Jordan, Brazil seek bolstered trade

(Photo: Twitter)

AMMAN — Jordan and Brazil discussed ways of fostering economic cooperation and trade exchange and enhancing the role of the private sectors in both countries, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, said.اضافة اعلان

It said the discussions were led by Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply Yousef Shamali and Brazil’s visiting Minister of Agriculture, Marcos Montes, in Amman on Sunday.

Trade exchange with Brazil reached $419 million last year, 190 percent more than 2020. While Jordan’s imports stood at $292 million, exports to Brazil were estimated at $126 million.

During the meeting, Shamali stressed Jordan’s commitment to advancing two-way trade, which has seen growth, but remains below an aspired for level. He said there are many Jordanian products that the Brazilian market could benefit from, such as fertilizers, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

The minister urged Brazilian businessmen to leverage investment opportunities in Jordan, through which they can  have improved access to global markets, reaching more than one billion consumers under bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements, as well as the Kingdom’s strategic location in the region.

The Brazilian minister expressed interest in expanding economic cooperation with Jordan and leveraging the strong relation with Jordan in many fields.

Montes underlined his country’s commitment to increasing imports from Jordan, namely fertilizers, praising its high quality.

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