Poll: 99 percent of Jordanians dissatisfied with US stance on Gaza

Jordanians rally in solidarity with Gaza  001
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN – A survey conducted by the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan confirmed that the vast majority of Jordanians (79 percent in the national sample and 100 percent in the expert sample) have been following and continue to follow the events in Gaza since October 7; with 99 percent expressing dissatisfaction of the United States stance on the issue. اضافة اعلان

As reported by Al-Ghad,, the survey revealed that 7 percent of Jordanians are satisfied with the stance of European countries, 11 percent are satisfied with China's stance, and 25 percent are satisfied with Turkey's.

According to the survey results announced Saturday, 94 percent of Jordanians described the United States' stance on Israel's war on Gaza as unsupportive of Palestinians and weak and insufficient, and 74 percent described the same for European countries.

Jordanians believe that Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates are the countries most committed to defending the Palestinian cause and rights.

However, 88 percent of the national sample and 84 percent of the expert sample expressed dissatisfaction with the outcomes of the Arab-Islamic Summit held in Riyadh for the sake of Gaza.

Regarding the outcomes of the Arab-Islamic Summit on the war on Gaza, the majority of Jordanians believe that the United Nations will not commit to demanding the Security Council to make a binding decision imposing a cessation of aggression, breaking the siege, condemning violations in the health sector, and preventing the arrival of humanitarian aid (81 percent).

Additionally, they believe that the United Nations will not commit to demanding all countries to stop exporting weapons to the Israeli occupation authorities (90 percent), and will not commit to starting an immediate investigation by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel (79 percent).

Outcomes and aims of the warOnly 35 percent of the national sample believes that the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza is Israel's top priority in the war on Gaza. In comparison, 44 percent of the expert sample believes that weakening Hamas so that it does not pose a future threat to Israel is the occupation’s top priority in the war on Gaza.

Additionally, 22 percent of the national sample and 9 percent of the expert sample believe that Israel's priority is to end Hamas rule in Gaza. Only 16 percent of the national sample and 15 percent of the expert sample believe that Israel's priority is the displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank.

The term "genocide," was considered the closest description of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip with 72 percent of the national sample and 75 percent of the expert sample reporting this.

The vast majority of Jordanians (91 percent in both the national and expert samples) do not believe that Israel will succeed in displacing Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

The survey stated that only 60 percent of Jordanians and 70 percent of the expert sample believe that Israel's war on Gaza will lead to the achievement of a two-state solution, while 27 percent of the national sample and 29 percent of the expert sample believe so.

While only 23 percent of the national sample and 10 percent of the expert sample believe that Israel will completely separate Gaza from the West Bank.

Impacts on Jordan
It was mentioned that 32 percent of the national sample and 52 percent of the expert sample believe that the situation in Gaza and the ongoing war will affect the security situation in Jordan.

The survey revealed that 40 percent of the national sample and 54 percent of the expert sample believe that the situation in Gaza and the ongoing war will affect the political situation in Jordan.

Moreover, 57 percent of Jordanians and 91 percent of the expert sample believe that the situation in Gaza and the ongoing war will affect the economic situation in Jordan.

The survey indicated that more than a third of Jordanians (39 percent) have changed their spending priorities due to the current circumstances in the region, and 23 percent have postponed the purchase of devices/properties/vehicles/investments due to the current circumstances in the region.

The vast majority of Jordanians (95 percent) have heard about the boycott campaign of American/foreign products in Jordan and the world, and 93 percent are currently boycotting products. 60 percent of the boycotted products are American, and 26 percent are Israeli products.

As for alternatives, the vast majority of Jordanians (95 percent) turn to locally made products as substitutes for the boycotted products.

Moreover, the vast majority of Jordanians (93 percent) support boycotting products produced in countries supporting Israel, and 72 percent do not believe that this boycott will harm the Jordanian economy.

Support for Hamas
The survey indicated that the majority of Jordanians (66 percent in the national sample and 66 percent in the expert sample) strongly support what Hamas did in its surprise attack on Israel on October 7, while 8 percent of the national sample and 3 percent of the expert sample do not support what Hamas did at all.

The survey pointed out that 37 percent of Jordanians in the national sample believe that the current confrontations in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinians will ultimately lead to a just solution to the Palestinian issue. Meanwhile, 18 percent believe that the repetition of war and truce between Hamas and Israel without a change in the current situation is the result of the current confrontations.

Additionally, 16 percent believe that it will lead to undermining security and stability in the region and the possibility of expanding the war.

On the other hand, 28 percent of the expert sample believes that the current confrontations in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinians will lead to a repetition of war and truce between Hamas and Israel without a change in the current situation, while 25 percent believe it will lead to undermining security and stability in the region and the possibility of expanding the war.

The survey indicated that the continuation of Hamas in ruling the Gaza Strip is the most likely scenario for the post-war period (55 percent of the national sample), followed by the sons of Gaza from Palestinian families in Gaza (21 percent). As for the expert sample, 36 percent believe that the Palestinian Authority is the most likely to rule the Gaza Strip after the war, and 20 percent believe that the sons of Gaza from Palestinian families in Gaza will rule the sector. Moreover, 19 percent believe that joint Arab forces are the ones who will rule the sector.

Sources of information
Most Jordanians rely on two main sources for information and news related to the war on Gaza, namely social media (50.1 percent) and television (47.7 percent).

The survey stated that Al-Jazeera channel achieved the highest viewership (69.9 percent), followed by Roya channel (13 percent), then Al-Mamlaka channel (5 percent), Jordanian television (4 percent), and Al-Arabiya channel (1.8 percent).

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