This is not the way to reform — Rawabdeh

Former prime minister Abdur-Ra'uf Al-Rawabdeh
AMMAN — During a dialogue session held by the Jordanians for Development and Progress, moderated by MP Omar Ayassrah, former prime minister Abdur-Ra'uf Al-Rawabdeh said that reform cannot be done the way it is now, especially knowing that methods and models exist around the world, and that this creates a mood of frustration among people and feeds the rumor mill.اضافة اعلان

Politicians are often silent either because of their inability to speak their minds and because they do not want to commit themselves in case they will be asked to take on responsibility or because of fear, Rawabdeh said, decrying the “absence of government from everything that is going on in the country” and the fact that “people can’t express their opinions because of fear”.

“Do not believe that we have a partisan life in Jordan. In the 1990s, we tried to move to political parties with clear platforms for action, as an alternative to embracing ideology, but people rejected it,” he said. He added that in the last 20 years all prime ministers were the same.

Talking about the situation in Palestine, Rawabdeh said Jordan was obliged to reach the Wadi Araba Peace Treaty so that “Israel recognizes us, not the other way around”, and that the solution to the issue of Palestine will be at Jordan's expense because the Jordan Option was realized back in 1949 through extending Jordanian nationality to West Bankers and the unity of the two banks of Jordan in 1950.

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