Over 3,000 enrolled in VTC training program for 2023-2024

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN —  3,521 trainees, including university degree and diploma holders, enrolled in the Vocational Training Corporation (VTC)’s institutes for the year 2023-2024 training program, in addition to 4,968 individuals with high school certificates, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

VTC media spokesperson, Jamil Qadi stated that the increase in the number of trainees, who hold academic certificates during 2024, affirms VTC's vital role in guiding the youth and disseminating the culture of technical and vocational work to keep pace with changes taking place in the labor market locally and globally.

Qadi stressed that the VTC is proceeding, by the Royal directives to enhance Jordan’s vocational training system. The aim is to offer sustainable opportunities for the youth, fostering partnerships with various development sectors across all governorates.

VTC Educational and training programs span various professional and technical specializations, addressing a variety of skills and areas that meet the diverse needs of the labor market. This is achieved through 35 training institutes nationwide, encompassing 348 training facilities and 120 related programs.

Overall, over 10,000 trainees enrolled in VTC's various institutes for the training year 2023-2024. Additionally, in a statement, VTC intends to raise awareness about the importance of joining vocational specializations, to achieve clear performance indicators by 2025. These indicators include reaching a capacity of 30,000 trainees and raising the employment rate to 90 percent. 

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