Gov’t ensures secure supply chains for strategic food commodities

(Photos: Jordan Economic Forum)
AMMAN Minister of Industry and Trade, Yousef Al-Shamali stated that the government is working intensively to maintain the continuity of supply chains and ensure a highly secure stock of strategic food commodities, Al-Mamlaka TV reported. اضافة اعلان

On Wednesday, during the panel discussion held by Jordan Economic Forum (JEF) as part of the Economic Salon session, Shamali highlighted the impact of Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip and the disturbances in the Bab al-Mandeb strait on the Jordanian economy, pointing out the significant increase in shipping costs, where the cost of a 40 foot container rose to $10,000, marking a 200 percent increase from the previous $2,000.

Regarding concerns about potential shortages of goods due to disruptions in Bab el Mandeb, Shamali reassured that strategic stocks of food commodities are available, and the government is committed to stabilizing bread prices. He also affirmed the commitment of traders and the private sector to price control, with the government ensuring the use of appropriate monitoring tools to enforce compliance.

Moreover, Shamali confirmed the government's readiness to collaborate with the private sector to ensure the continuity of supply chains and overcome the challenges facing the Jordanian economy under these conditions.

In the industrial sector, he highlighted challenges related to energy issues and efforts to mitigate their impact by transitioning to gas, which is about 40 percent less costly. He further addressed the issue of labor, emphasizing the importance of directing attention to academic graduates instead of solely focusing on professionals, and underscoring the importance of having specialized professionals.

Shamali touched on the positive performance of the industrial sector, noting its increased contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and its positive impact on both exports and job creation. In addition, he confirmed the government's efforts to improve the energy sector, support small and medium industries, focus on gas utilization, and provide necessary facilities.

The minister also discussed challenges related to labor and the need to improve the quality of education to meet market needs, highlighting the gap between vocational and academic labor.

Furthermore, the minister mentioned the garment export sector, noting its strong performance in the US market, its substantial value addition, along with improvements in production efficiency.

In terms of trade with Europe, Shamali noted that Jordanian exports still face limitations, despite efforts to simplify rules of origin and exemptions, due to certain conditions imposed by the European Union (EU). Meanwhile, he commended the trade agreement with the US, considering it a ‘gold mine’ that should be utilized to boost exports.

Additionally, he stressed the importance of venturing into new markets, especially in Africa, and strengthening the presence in traditional markets.

As for the agreement with Canada, he explained that it presents significant opportunities. However, Jordanian exports are still below the required level, pointing out that the rules of origin are simple and uncomplicated.

For his part, Senator Issa Murad affirmed the importance of the industrial sector as the foundation for development and the primary supporter of economic growth, noting that the Jordanian industrial sector has proven its success, strength, efficiency, and quality in numerous crises, including the ongoing disruptions in the Red Sea. 

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