Adherence to health guidelines urged as reopening enters final phase

(Photo: Jordan News)

AMMAN — On Thursday, Secretary General of Primary Health Care Administration Ghazi Sharkas urged the public to fully abide by health protocols and guidelines, issued by concerned authorities as the third and final phase of the Kingdom’s plan to reopen sectors came into force on September 1, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Sharkas told Petra that post-COVID protocols are aimed at stabilizing the epidemiological situation and mitigating the potential spread of COVID-19, mainly the Delta variant.

The final phase of post-COVID reopening entails the return to normalcy, including in-person education and the full reopening of economy. 

"People need to continue combining proper social distancing with mask wearing to stop the spread of the virus which is still present in our community and risks an increase in the number of infections," said Sharkas.

The health official reaffirmed the role of the COVID-19 vaccine in curbing the spread of the virus, according to Petra.

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