Abu Obeida affirms fighter resilience and strategic success

Abu Obeida
(Photo: Twitter/X)
GAZA – In a statement broadcasted on Thursday by Al-Jazeera, Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, has issued a series of statements providing insights into the current situation. اضافة اعلان

He began by emphasizing the relentless commitment of Hamas fighters in the field, highlighting their successful efforts in confronting the occupational forces; inflicting significant losses on their end. He pointed out that their focus remains on destroying enemy vehicles and luring Israeli soldiers in ambushes and lethal traps.

Notably, Abu Obeida revealed that since the start of the aggression, their targeted attacks on Israeli vehicles have reached a staggering 720. He further disclosed that during the past week alone, Hamas fighters executed more than 15 successful sniper operations, showcasing the group's strategic capabilities.

Abu Obeida noted that the Al-Qassam Brigades are targeting all scopes of the Israeli invasion, indicating a comprehensive and strategic approach to counter the aggression.

Moreover, he commented on the occupation’s flawed strategies, stating that the enemy is preoccupied with searching for an image of victory and achievement. He highlighted their failure to learn from historical experiences, underlining their continued repetition of historical mistakes.

Abu Obeida once again asserted that the enemy's aim to eliminate the resistance is doomed to fail. He added that the ongoing aggression leaves no choice for the Palestinian people but to seek revenge against the oppressors.

As for a potential prisoner exchange deal, Abu Obeida stated that the occupation’s persistent attacks hinder any possibility of releasing captives. He conveyed a clear message that if they desire the release of their captives alive, the only viable option is to stop the ongoing aggression. Al-Qassam Brigades emphasized this point by releasing a video online showing the three Israeli captives who were killed by the Israeli forces last week.

In a final statement, Abu Obeida extended appreciation to the fighters in Yemen and Lebanon, acknowledging their efforts in pushing back against Israel. He also expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people in their resistance against what he termed as a "Zionist-Nazi inferno."

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