Prince Mired honors first visually impaired news presenter

(Photo: From HCD facebook account)
AMMAN — HH Prince Mired Bin Raad, president of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) on Wednesday honored Al-Taj News presenter Rashed Rababah, Jordan’s first news presenter with visual disabilities, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The prince lauded the website’s initiative, adding Rababah’s appointment would help change the public’s perception of persons with disabilities.

Prince Mired called on media authorities to let this initiative serve as an example to enhance persons with disabilities’ engagement with the media sector, both as on-screen presenters and behind-the-scenes employees.

The prince stressed the importance of developing and supporting persons with disabilities through media, as part of the diversity strategy, so as to raise awareness for persons with disabilities as well as their integral role within society.

Rababah expressed his appreciation for Taj News for appointing him based on merit and skill. He added that while he has always believed in his abilities — and that his disability has never been a professional obstacle — several media organizations have refused to hire him due to his disability.

The journalist stressed that facilitations should be made for persons with disabilities in the workplace, pointing to the fact he uses a Braille keyboard.

For his part, Taj News Chairman Jihad Abu Baidar reiterated the importance of including persons with disabilities in the work environment. He added that the website will soon launch a media project that will be run by journalists with disabilities.

The chairman underlined that Rababah is not the first person with disabilities among the organization’s media staff, encouraging other media organizations to hire persons with disabilities, stressing their ability to achieve despite the field’s limited opportunities for them.

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