Civil watchdog releases flagship report on gov’t performance

(Photo: Rased)
AMMAN — The Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development (Rased) published a comprehensive report on Monday, assessing the performance of Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh's government over the past two and a half years.اضافة اعلان

The report examined a total of 796 commitments made by the government, which were categorized into four main strategic programs: Economic Modernization Vision (2023–2025), Public Sector Modernization Plan (2022–2025), Government's Economic Action Priorities Program (2021–2023), and Government's Indicative Executive Program (2021–2024).

According to the report, which was carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, of the 79 commitments outlined in the Indicative Executive Program, approximately 43 percent have been successfully accomplished, 11 percent are yet to commence, and the remaining 46 percent are currently in progress.

Centre's role in enhancing oversight and participation
Amer Bani Amer, director general of the center, emphasized the report's significance in promoting oversight and fostering participation in the decision-making process.

He stressed the need for a proactive approach in addressing challenges through collaboration with experts and stakeholders.

The center’s research team employed quantitative and qualitative methodologies, relying on information gathered from search engines and ministry websites.

The report achieved an 85 percent response rate from all ministries.

Analysis of government decisions
During the tenure of the Khasawneh government, a total of 880 decisions were issued.

The report's analysis revealed that the legislative axis accounted for 29 percent of the decisions, followed by the administrative and financial/economic axes at 24 percent each. Development, services, appointments, and international agreements constituted the remaining percentages.

A total of 86 appointment decisions for leadership positions were made by Cabinet, resulting in the placement of 106 individuals over the two and a half year period.

Social media engagement
The report also examined the social media presence of ministries on Facebook from December 10, 2022, to December 4, 2023.

Out of over 29 million views on 10,041 posts, approximately 891,000 interactions (likes, comments, shares) were recorded, representing around 3 percent of the total views.

The Ministry of Local Administration had the highest number of posts at 3,697, while the Ministry of Finance had the fewest with only two.

In terms of engagement, the Ministry of Education led with approximately 233,000 interactions.

The government's Facebook page received around 2.37 million views and 86,000 interactions out of 334 posts, with likes accounting for 74 percent of the interactions, comments for 21 percent, and shares for 5 percent.

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