Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Be wise enough to recognize that someone might be disguising something or spinning facts to impress you. Have fun during romantic outings and be flattered someone wants to earn your attention and admiration.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Learn something new that tweaks your interest and gives you ample food for thought. Gather original ideas or participate in discussions to address your doubts or concerns. Avoid family squabbles over expectations or plans.

GEMINI: People are far more important than things. When you’re in a social mood, any project or task can be more enjoyable when you have a friend or two by your side. Community events may give you a chance to show off your strengths.

CANCER: Your home could become a beehive of activity so tidy things up and stock up on goodies. Your plans for financial security might be approaching a fork in the road, so it is time to get some sound advice and good directions.

LEO: You can achieve your goals when you combine inspiration with perspiration; a hands-on approach is what can make a dream become a reality. You may brim with creative ideas but feel blocked by a partner’s lack of interest.

VIRGO: Use extra tact and diplomacy to deal with complicated situations. People may be intrigued by your original ideas and might rely on your sound strategies. Physical activities can bring the most pleasure this weekend.

LIBRA: The skills you develop and friends you make could be of lasting benefit. Find a balance between pleasing others and pleasing yourself. A creative project might need more planning before you dig in and begin.

SCORPIO: A partner might be fascinated by the latest innovations. Take it easy and ignore an itch to squabble over family expenses. You could enjoy outdoor sports or local gatherings to bring your family closer together.

SAGITTARIUS: Your enthusiasm may be aroused when there is something entertaining on the calendar. Spend quality time exploring unusual ideas with family members or enjoy exercise or physical activities with a friend or partner.

CAPRICORN: You might be too cautious for your own good — a bargain may not be a good deal when all is said and done. Rely on coworkers to help you finish a task or your friends to support you when extra hands are needed.

AQUARIUS: Business and pleasure might not mix. Remain organized and stick to your schedule for the best results. Concentrate on getting your essential tasks completed before taking a ride on the social merry-go-round.

PISCES: Change your ideas and change your mind. A partner or loved one may be fascinated by something unique that widens your horizons, too. Review your finances so you are free to pursue a new opportunity.

IF OCT. 22 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Embrace good advice and opportunities during the upcoming four to six weeks. Make crucial decisions or put your most cherished ideas into motion as your judgment can be at its best. This can be a good time to put business affairs on the right track because you are capable of clever maneuvering and can likely rely on the support of your friends. New contacts might have your best interests in mind. You may be content to relax, but this is an excellent time to successfully launch important plans and to improve your life on several levels. Social events could clog your calendar in December. A tendency to rely on wishful thinking may blind you to some of the facts in January, but you can be inspired by people and things so this can be a creative and productive time. Take a romantic vacation or escape for a weekend with a pal to refuel your creativity. Roll up your shirt sleeves and work hard to preserve your career and financial security in February. This is not a good time to start anything new, but a time to ride out transformative events by being diligent about attending to your obligations.

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