White House press secretary joins government training course at JMI

(Photo: Jordan News Agency, Petra)
AMMAN— White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has participated in one training course activities for the government spokespersons at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI), according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

In a recorded message, HRH Princess Reem Ali, founder of the JMI, stressed that journalism is a daunting task, and that there is no alternative to working with professionalism, honesty and objectivity.

She added that the performance and content of journalism must be developed in light of a rapidly changing world.

For her part, Psaki said that the job of the official spokesperson is a public service and a great honor in its essence, and it constitutes an effective communication link between the official and the public.

She stressed that the media spokesperson should have knowledge, honesty, and presenting the facts within his/her powers.

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