Ministry of Agriculture announces grants available for farmers

3. Grants Farmers
Agriculture Minister Khaled Hneifat on Saturday announced the launch of a new financial grants program for farmers. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN  — Minister of Agriculture Khaled Hneifat announced on Saturday the launch of the financial grants and job opportunities program, according to Al-Ghad News.اضافة اعلان

Hneifat said that the program was launched through the “Madad” project, in cooperation with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The EU sponsored the program.

Hneifat indicated that the FAO will carry out the project in cooperation with the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Program as part of the project “to enhance the sustainable living and food security means for hosting communities of the Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon by enhancing the sustainable agricultural development.”

This program will support modern irrigation and composting systems, fruits and vegetable production, layering and mobilizing agricultural products, livestock raising, milk production, and production of milk derivatives, agricultural and other environmental activities. He added that the grants would include the restoration of agricultural land and forest-related activities.

The grant amount is estimated at $4,000 per farmer within the sectors in question while creating five jobs per project for two months. With the presence of 1,500 workers in the project, the total cost of support for the project is $2.2 million. 

Hneifat noted that the ministry gave a special priority to gender equality and youth empowerment and encouraged women, agricultural entrepreneurs, to apply for these grants to expand the role of rural communities in the governorates, in the agricultural sector, and to create jobs within the newly launched projects.

The project also aims to replace migrant labor with local labor and attract investments for the sector, which is considered the fuel for various industries and an economical addition capable of assisting with problems of poverty and unemployment.

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