Ministry condemns Israeli minister’s provocative Gaza nuclear remark

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — In a statement released on Sunday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, a strong condemnation was expressed towards the racist, provocative, and incendiary remarks made by an Israeli government minister regarding the hypothetical detonation of a nuclear bomb in the Gaza Strip.اضافة اعلان

The Ministry underscored that these statements are regarded as a call for genocide and constitute a heinous crime that cannot be disregarded. They have the potential to incite murder and instigate war crimes, adding to the already persistent violations against the people of Gaza.

Ambassador Sufian Al-Qudah, the official spokesperson of the Ministry, emphasized that these statements not only blatantly breach international law and international humanitarian law but also represent a dangerous escalation. He stressed the urgent need for immediate action from the international community to address this issue and effectively combat hate speech.

Moreover, the Ministry highlighted the imperative nature of compelling Israel, as the occupying power, to cease its ongoing attacks on the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, and to put an end to its violations of international law and humanitarian standards.

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