King receives letter from Prince Hamzah

Prince offers apology to the King and Jordanian people

Royal court
(Photo: Royal Court)
AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah II received an apology letter from HRH Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein earlier this week, the Royal Court said in a statement.اضافة اعلان

In the letter, Prince Hamzah acknowledged that Jordan had witnessed trying circumstances and a regrettable chapter in its history last year, which the country overcame, guided by His Majesty’s wisdom, patience, and tolerance.

The King had entrusted HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal last April to lead efforts within the family to deal with the role of Prince Hamzah in connection with last year’s sedition case.

At the time, Prince Hamzah pledged to Prince El Hassan and a number of Royal family members to commit to the Constitution and the legacy of the Hashemite Family, and has since remained at his palace with his family, under the care of His Majesty.
Prince reaffirms his commitment to remain true to the legacy of the Hashemites in service of the Jordanian people, and to abide by the Constitution under His Majesty’s leadership.

The prince said in his letter earlier this week, that the past months had afforded him the opportunity for self-reflection and compelled him to write to His Majesty, the elder brother, expressing his hope to turn the page on that chapter in the country’s and the family’s history.

The letter followed a meeting between His Majesty and Prince Hamzah on Sunday evening at the prince’s request, in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses Prince Feisal bin Al Hussein and Prince Ali bin Al Hussein.

Prince Hamzah recognized that he had erred, and took responsibility for his actions and offences towards Jordan and His Majesty over the past years, including the incidents that followed in the sedition case.

In his letter, the prince sought His Majesty’s forgiveness, apologizing to the King and the Jordanian people for his actions, which he vowed will not recur.

Prince Hamzah also reaffirmed his commitment to his earlier pledge before Prince El Hassan to always remain true to the legacy of the Hashemites in service of the Jordanian people, and to abide by the Constitution under His Majesty’s leadership.

Prince Hamzah’s acknowledgment of his mistake and apology represent a step in the right direction on the path to regaining his role as other Royal family members, in the service of Jordan based on the duties assigned to them by the King.

The Hashemites have always dedicated themselves to safeguarding Jordan’s interests, serving the Jordanian people, and fulfilling their aspirations. Throughout its history, the Royal Hashemite Family has always been a source of comfort for the Jordanian people, and His Majesty dealt with Prince Hamzah’s role in the sedition case in line with this Hashemite legacy.

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