Crown Prince attends a night military drill

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein attends a night military drill, as part of the graduation of the 10th advanced tactical aviation course. (Photo: RHC)
AMMAN — Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein attends a military drill last night, as part of the graduation of the 10th advanced tactical aviation course.اضافة اعلان

(Photo: RHC)

Crown Prince Al Hussein was received by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Major General Yousef Huneiti and a number of senior Jordan Armed Forces officers. His Highness was briefed on the various stages of the exercise, which aims to bolster the skills and capabilities of Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) personnel.

(Photo: RHC)

The drill was conducted by personnel from the King Abdullah II Airbase, the King Abdullah II Special Forces Group, and the Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Brigade/Quick Reaction Force. The exercise included several simulations of military aerial and field operations.

(Photo: RHC)

His Royal Highness conveyed His Majesty’s greetings to the officers at King Abdullah II Airbase and to all JAF personnel, reaffirming King Abdullah’s keenness to follow up on the progress of training and tactical operations at RJAF units and bases.

(Photo: RHC)

The Crown Prince commended the coordination between JAF and RJAF units, praising their personnel’s advanced skills and readiness.

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