Public sector restructuring : Toward increased efficiency

(File photo: Jordan News)

Muath Almbaidheen

The writer is the CEO of the Performance Index Center for Strategic Studies and Consultations.

Restructuring the public sector is bound to increase efficiency or, in other words, increase value against spending. In 2021 the government spent JD2.2 billion on salaries and social security; that accounted for more than 18.6 percent of the total expenditure of JD11.8 billion. The total capital expenditure was JD1.3 billion, 11 percent of less than the total spending. اضافة اعلان

In light of the government’s inability to create new jobs in the public sector and to address the problem of unemployment, which reached 22.8 percent in the first quarter of 2022, it clearly needs to rearrange its priorities by redirecting spending toward capital projects that attract investors and create new job opportunities.
The process of reform needs time and requires amended legislation that enables merging government entities and allocating resources, and legalizes digital transactions.
This requires immediate action; for example, limiting the recruitment process in the public sector, with the exception of some specialties specific to certain areas. At the same time, the government should work on reforming and reallocating resources to government entities to cover for possible shortages, in parallel with moving forward with the digital transformation of most of its services.

The process of reform needs time and requires amended legislation that enables merging government entities and allocating resources, and legalizes digital transactions.

Unfortunately, the digital transformation journey in Jordan has been lagging for the last few years. The government lost the opportunity to enforce wide usage of the SANAD application during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to activate the digital ID, which would have made the restructuring process easier.

As the government is about to announce the outcome of the Public Sector Modernization Committee, it should be underscored that restructuring is a complicated and challenging strategic change that affects most public sector employees, directly or indirectly, since they are the main actors who can lead to the success of the process. Therefore, the government should make known its restructuring plan and reassure employee that they are safe. Boosting government performance, restructuring, and reducing the number of public agencies with the aim of enhancing the level of services offered to citizens will bolster trust in the competence and professionalism of the public sector.

Muath Almbaidheen is the CEO of the Performance Index Center for Strategic Studies and Consultations.

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