Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Learn to live and let live. A romantic partner might pamper you and could put you on a pedestal, so you may be surprised if someone else disagrees with you. Focus your attention on productive activities.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: It’s up to everyone to build a livable world. Don’t think you are helpless; There is always something, however small, you can do to be part of the solution. Enjoy sharing ideas and romantic harmony with loved ones.

GEMINI: Get it done, but do not be so focused on accomplishing your goals that you become insensitive to someone else’s feelings or needs. Apply logic and due diligence to financial matters before taking any action.

CANCER: Try to give yourself some private time and space without outside distractions so you can think through your game plan for going forward with something. A romantic partner may be glad to share time with you later tonight.

LEO: Caring with boundaries lets you be safe AND giving. You can find a compromise without giving up your own beliefs. Let loved ones know how much you care by being a supportive and cheerful companion.

VIRGO: You could be too optimistic. Financial strategies might not solve a family problem. You may have concerns about someone’s behavior or choices but may not be able to make an effective intervention now.

You might let your heart overrule your brain. Your romantic, loving feelings may persuade you to be extravagant with treating a loved one. Focus on building a rock-solid relationship based on shared family values.

SCORPIO: Face up to financial realities and do your homework before you get out the plastic now. Any major purchases could be overpriced or just too extravagant for your budget and leave you wondering why you did it.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s great to be helpful, and good advice can be valuable when asked for, but some people may feel judged by unwanted advice. Give family members and loved ones the freedom to make their own decisions.

CAPRICORN: A sincere smile can shift the energy in a better direction. You may feel the need for more affection and romance in your life, but don’t ignore your duties. Consider the potential benefits of compromise.

AQUARIUS: Do your best to make a difference in someone’s life. When loved ones are showing extra affection, let yourself really take it in. It isn’t necessary to go overboard by buying expensive gifts to get validated.

PISCES: Earn self-respect by being honest, thoughtful and sincere. Maintaining a sympathetic and open mind helps in getting along with others. You may issue assurances to help someone be less anxious.

IF DEC. 19 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the upcoming three to four weeks, you could be sidetracked by your fantasies or feel a bit lost when you consider your options. Allow clarity to arrive in perfect time, and do not make major decisions or changes at this time. You could overlook the fine print or act on inaccurate information. Demonstrate your responsibility and integrity in January when social activities could seem more important. Late February and early March is a poor time to apply investment strategies but could be a great time to develop imaginative ideas or take an inspiring and romantic vacation. You might have all the luck in the world at your disposal during late April and early May when you can be at peace spiritually and should be wiser and more contented than usual. This could be an exceptionally good time to make key decisions about your life, or to take the first steps with any major plans and projects because you are more likely to succeed. Embrace opportunities while you can as they may have beneficial consequences.

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