Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Sleep late and snuggle with a special pet or person. Once you are up and out you can tackle an array of weekend tasks with enthusiasm. Your rising popularity could bring a bundle of invitations to your door.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Affectionate exchanges can bring a smile to your face. Solidify key relationships while the two of you are on the same page and share the same goals. Use caution and take your time when buying gifts.

GEMINI: You may be dynamic and certain of your abilities, but you could make a split-second decision that causes you problems further down the road. Stop and ask for advice from a trusted partner before you act.

CANCER: Put on your sweats and kick back. Although a partner or loved one may be obsessed by a grand scheme, you both may need to take a break for a few hours. Upcoming holiday plans might need to be discussed and worked out.

LEO: It may be difficult to unwind after a busy week, but it is time to shift gears. Romance and relaxation may be a top priority this weekend. Romantic twosomes can escape into fantasies and share inspiring ideas.

VIRGO: You may be anxious to offer tokens of love and affection but be on alert for a misunderstanding within your family unit. Your romantic partner might be difficult to pin down and vague about the details.

LIBRA: If committed, your partner’s attractiveness and popularity may be at a peak. Don’t feel left out if they spend a lot of time on the phone or are in demand for social activities. If single, you may be the popular one.

SCORPIO: Your weekend entertainment plans might prove disappointing unless you carefully check out the details. This could be a good weekend to start a new health regimen or to work on a special hobby or project.

SAGITTARIUS: You might be magnetically attractive so you could end up with some extra admirers this weekend. This is a good time to appear in public places. Someone within your family, however, may hide some hurt feelings.

CAPRICORN: You may be so wrapped up in achieving your objectives that it is difficult to relax with a loved one. Remind yourself you’ve earned the right to indulge in some social activities and get some attention for your efforts.

AQUARIUS: Take a weekend break from a grueling schedule. Don’t feel guilty if you want to sleep in and turn off the alarm clock. Your mate or a close friend may give you some extra attention and make you feel cherished.

PISCES: Don’t read too much into appearances — learning to read energy is much more reliable. Someone may inadvertently say the wrong thing — don’t let them spoil your peaceful outlook. Your optimism can counterbalance negativity.

IF DEC. 3 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You want to look forward to a year of peace and prosperity, so you may spend the upcoming three to four weeks being somewhat hard-nosed about finances and business. Be sure to get extra rest since you could stretch yourself thin by rushing to get even more done. Late January might be an excellent time for a relaxing and inspiring getaway to recharge, or a romantic weekend escape. An opportunity or unexpected favor could wind up in your lap in the second half of February, or you could meet someone who provides some seriously beneficial advice. This is also a good time to set your plans in motion with an expectation of success. Late April or early May is an excellent time to combine your imaginative ideas into a business strategy and make a sizable profit.

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