No word from gov’t on increased Student Support Fund allocations — MP

graduate university students
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — MP Salem Al-Omari said that the government has not yet informed the House of Representatives about increasing Student Support Fund allocations to include a larger number of students in university scholarships and loans, despite earlier pledges by Deputy Prime Minister Tawfiq Kreishan, Jo24 reported.اضافة اعلان

Omari said that students “are waiting for the government’s decision”, and there is “no time for delay” in light of the approaching start date of the second semester.

The Lower House, he said, is waiting on the government for a decision regarding this matter.

Students have fulfilled all the conditions for benefiting from the fund as announced by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Omari stressed.

Meanwhile, economic conditions for citizens are “very bad”, and “some students are in dire need of grants and loans to complete their university studies” he said.

“The government is obligated to secure the required amount to include the rest of the students (in financial aid funding),” the MP said.

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