Maan launches projects to improve water supply

(Photo: Jordan News)
MAAN— A number of water projects have been implemented to improve water supply to a numbers of areas in Maan Governorate according to Chairman of the Finance and Development Committee of the Maan Governorate Council Wasfii Salah, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Salah said that work is under way on water projects in Maan at an estimated cost of JD205,000, noting that they included laying new main water pipes to various residential areas of the city.

He said that both the Ohida and Al-Jutha wells have been completed and are operational at a cost of JD150,000 to supply water to the city. A tender for drilling and construction of a well in the Zaytooneh area in the Shobak district has been submitted at an approximate cost of JD385,000, to be financed through a grant from the Saudi Development Fund and work was currently under way.

Work was under way to implement the Shobak well project tender, with funding from UNICEF, at an estimated cost of JD360,000. The Al-Hussainiah well project was also being implemented at an approximate cost of JD90,000, Petra reported.

The project for the rehabilitation of the Musa Valley water systems is under way at an approximate cost of JD75,000. The project for the improvement of water systems and installations in Maan, the Musa Valley and the Shobak areas have been implemented at an approximate cost of JD80,000.

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