Lower House approves amendments on Jordan's constitution

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN - A total of 104 deputies, out of 112 MPs, approved amendments on Jordan's Constitution in a Lower House session on Thursday, headed by its Speaker, Abdul Karim Dughmi, and in the presence of Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Khasawneh and the Cabinet members.اضافة اعلان

Dughmi said the House discussions held with Jordan's various players led to constitutional amendments, which were the outcome of His Majesty King Abdullah II's vision, through the formation of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System (RCMPS).

The House , he said, has today completed the first phase of Jordan's political modernization path by endorsing 30 constitutional amendments and will soon begin to debate and endorse elections and parties draft laws that will be a "milestone in Jordan's modern history."

On the local arena, Dughmi called on Jordanians to support the Kingdom's political modernization path and push its success to achieve the country's progress and prosperity under the King's leadership.

Dughmi expressed thanks to the deputies for their "sincere" efforts made during the last period in debating and okaying the constitutional amendments.

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