Jordanians take to social media to lampoon MPs

A cartoon drawn by Hajjaj that shows a wrestler wearing a mask that says “Parliament” alongside a text stating “Practicing Free Democracy: In All Weight Categories” in Arabic on the top of the Jordanian Parliament dome. (Photo: Hajjaj Twitter)
AMMAN — Social media platforms have seen a wave of posts and tweets since Tuesday about the brawl that broke out in Parliament during the debate session on constitutional amendments. The scuffles that took place were streamed on live TV and reported by both international and regional media. اضافة اعلان

Most tweets revealed how people were upset by what had happened and asserted that the current House of Representatives did not represent Jordanian people.

Tweeters were divided, as there were those who expressed disappointment in the entire political situation, while others who engaged in discussions of the constitutional amendments. For some the debate was objective while others expressed their disapproval with Speaker of the House and the way he mishandled the session and the entire constitutional amendments file.

Some social media platforms users posted cartoons transforming the Lower House to a wrestling ring. Others posted drawings of Speaker Abdel Karim Al-Doghmi holding a big stick to control rogue deputies.

On Facebook, users lamented the fact that Tuesday’s incident unveiled the true face of Jordanian democracy. A number of users stated that while brawls may take place in western parliaments, the fact is that there is a huge chasm between Jordan and these countries in terms of economic development and freedom of expression.

Other users pointed to the fact that decades of failing elections laws have produced this level of lawmakers who do not represent the Jordanian people. Some wondered how these deputies will pass a new election law that aims at retiring them for good.

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