Jordan gov’t announces changes in fuel prices for May

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Sunday, the government's fuel pricing committee announced changes to the selling prices of various petroleum products, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The most notable change was the reduction of the selling price of diesel from JD0.785 per liter to JD0.755 per liter.

Meanwhile, the committee decided to increase the selling price of unleaded 90-octane gasoline from JD0.940 per liter to JD0.950 per liter, and the selling price of unleaded octane-95 gasoline from JD1.180 per liter to JD1.185 per liter.
The committee decided to increase the selling price of unleaded 90-octane gasoline from JD0.940 per liter to JD0.950 per liter, and the selling price of unleaded octane-95 gasoline from JD1.180 per liter to JD1.185 per liter.
Kerosene, which is commonly used for heating during the winter, will maintain its current price of JD0.620 per liter. Additionally, the price of a cooking gas cylinder will also remain unchanged at JD7.

The government fuel pricing committee determined the new prices based on a pricing equation that takes into account the global prices of all oil derivatives.

According to their calculations, the price of diesel decreased by JD0.030 per liter, while the price of unleaded 90-octane gasoline increased by JD0.005, and the price of unleaded octane-95 gasoline increased by JD0.010.

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