JoYS signs MoU with Al Hussein Technical University

JoYS HTU Press Statement 4
(Photos: Jordan Young Scientists)
AMMAN — The Jordan Young Scientist (JoYS) initiative and the Al Hussein Technical University (HTU),  a Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) initiative, signed a memorandum of understanding on Wednesday, JoYS said in a statement.اضافة اعلان

The memorandum sets the stage for solidifying JoYS and HTU partnership, and agreeing on the importance of applying STEM-focused initiatives in schools across the Kingdom.

The signing ceremony was was attended by CPF CEO Tamam Mango, HTU President Ismael Hinti, Ireland’s Ambassador Marianne Bolger, and JoYS Chairperson Mohammad Tahboub.

JoYS ”is a hugely exciting new national initiative for Jordanian youth based on a proven model originally implemented in Ireland over fifty years ago,” the statement said.

“Its purpose is to improve the motivation and rewards for young people who wish to study science and apply it to transform society,” it said. “It has the potential to transform Jordan by empowering young people to develop solutions to social, technological, and economic challenges through the application of evidence-based scientific approaches.”

JoYS initiative held its first exhibition on June 8. In 2023, with the support and cooperation of HTU and partners across Jordan, the JoYS program will be nationwide with the expectation that the initiative will become the paramount national competition for students studying science subjects in secondary schools, the statement said.

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