EU, Jordan launch Technical Assistance and Information Exchange

(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — The EU Delegation in Jordan, in partnership with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation hosted an event Wednesday  to promote the EU’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) instrument, according to a statement.اضافة اعلان

EU’s Head of Cooperation Corinne Andre, Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, and Emad Al-Shanaah, attended the opening session, which also saw the participation of representatives from more than 50 government and private institutions.

“TAIEX is ... an instrument of the European Commission that supports public administrations with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as facilitating sharing the EU best practices,” the statement said.

It said it “is largely needs-driven and delivers appropriate tailor-made expertise to address issues at short notice.”

Andre, the EU’s head of cooperation, said that the workshop’s main objective “is to promote TAIEX tool to Jordanian Public Institutions and highlight the added-value it could bring to the Jordanian partners,” according to the statement.

 She said that the EU is looking forward to receiving more TAIEX applications from Jordan following the workshop.

Shanaah said: “Jordan is moving ahead with steady and determined steps towards reforms at all levels, especially the administrative reforms that are being carried out by the Public Sector Modernizing Committee, and utilizing EU capacity building tools like TAIEX will certainly enhance Jordanian institutions’ capacity and build long term relationships with EU counterparts to tackle our challenges.”

He said TAIEX “is an important tool for so many years and will remain such to build stronger partnership with the EU.”

The event showcased testimonials from the public institutions, which received TAIEX support locally in the last 10 years, as well as live training on how to fill in TAIEX applications online.

Sectors covered by TAIEX are agriculture and food safety; freedom, security and justice; environment and energy; and transport and telecommunications.

TAIEX is open to civil servants, principally in central public administrations; judiciary and law enforcement authorities; parliaments and civil servants working in parliaments and legislative councils; as well as representatives of social partners, trade unions and employers’ associations.

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