Rise in fuel prices hurts drivers

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — A rise in fuel prices is hurting taxi drivers because of a protracted increase in public transportation fares, head of the Syndicate of Owners of Taxi Offices Ahmed Abu Haidar said.اضافة اعلان

Still, he said a potential rise in transportation fares, will prompt citizens to “use less expensive transport means”

“We raised the issue with the Ministry of Transport and the Land Transport Regulatory Commission,” he said, noting that public transportation fares remained the same since 2018.

“We are seeking to review the fares to adapt to the rise in fuel prices,” he told Jordan News.

LTRC spokesperson Abla Al-wshah said her commission will look into the request. “We will set up a mechanism to support operators and investors in the passenger, cargo, and freight transport sector, due to the rise in the prices of oil derivatives during the past periods,” she said.

“We are working to review the changes that occur in fuel prices locally,” she said, adding that there was a committee working to “amend or stabilize” taxi fares. She declined to elaborate.

The spokesperson urged citizens to continue using public transportation.

She said the planned “mechanism” will “ensure a margin of profit for operators.” Wshah said the commission was keen to maintain the same level of investment in the transport sector.

Wshah pointed out that fuel prices constitute 35 percent of operational costs.

Last month, the government raised the prices of oil derivatives by 4 percent, or JD0.035, for each liter of gasoline 90-Octane, diesel, and kerosene, and 5.5 percent, or JD0.06, for each liter of gasoline 95-Octone.

The change hiked the price of midgrade 90-octane to JD0.92 per liter, making the price of a gallon of the same grade JD18.4. The price of premium 95-octane was bumped to JD1.18 per liter, with the price of a gallon from the same grade set at JD23.6. Diesel and kerosene reached JD0.685 per liter, setting the gallon at JD13.7.

Bus owner Rami Salah said summed up the plight of drivers. “The situation is dire and the profit we make hardly covers our expenses.”

“With the rising prices of oil derivatives, the situation has worsened,” he said.

Muhammad Khair, owner of a public transportation company, said that before discussing the rise in fuel prices, we “need to reduce taxes on fuel.

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