Israeli approve $16.5m budget boost for Western Wall, Judaization projects

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(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — The Israeli Cabinet approved a budget addition of $16.5 million to upgrade infrastructure and carry out archaeological work at the Western Wall and its tunnels, Israeli media outlets reported. اضافة اعلان

This came during a meeting held by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Western Wall tunnels, to okay a five-year plan for the expansion of funding of Judaization projects in occupied Jerusalem.

At the same meeting, Netanyahu responded to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s recent statement that Israel is lying about its historic ties to the city.

Response to Abbas
“Abbas said days ago at the UN that the Jewish people has no connection to the Temple Mount and that east Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu said. 

“Well, it should be brought to his attention that we are holding a special cabinet meeting in honor of Jerusalem at the foot of the Temple Mount (Al-Haram Al-Sharif) that on which King Solomon built the First Temple of the Jewish people, and again, it should be brought to Abbas’s attention, the heart of the historic State of Israel, the City of David, was here 3,000 years ago.”

Abbas at the UN event commemorating 75 years of Nakba, marking the catastrophe of Israel’s establishment, where Israeli forcibly displaced of about 750,000 Palestinians from their cities and towns, said that Israel “dug under Al-Aqsa… they dug everywhere, and they could not find anything.”

“The ownership of Al-Buraq Wall and Al-Haram Al-Sharif belongs exclusively and only to the Islamic Waqf alone,” he added.

Netanyahu responded saying that Jerusalem was the “Jewish capital 1,100 years before London was the capital of England, 1,800 years before Paris was the capital of France and 2,800 years before Washington DC was the capital of the US”.

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