Jordan to receive 1 million COVID-19 jabs by end of May

person getting vaccinated
(Photo: Unsplash)
AMMAN — The Kingdom is due to receive 1 million COVID-19 vaccines by the end of May, Ministry of Health secretary general for pandemic and communicable disease affairs, Adel Al-Bilbisi, said on Tuesday.اضافة اعلان

Half of the doses will be of the US-manufactured Pfizer vaccine, while the other half will be of the Chinese-manufactured Sinopharm vaccine, Bilbisi added.

“We have never before been this well-stocked on the vaccine,” Bilbisi explained, and pointed out that “we are now only missing (greater) turnout from citizens to get vaccinated.”

The ministry official said that Jordan received more than 200,000 Pfizer jobs on May 16 and is set to receive 200,000 Sinopharm jabs this Friday, May 21.

He noted that some 1.976 million people have registered on the Ministry of Health’s vaccination platform and that 976,000, and 383,000 people have received the first and second doses of the COVID vaccine, respectively.

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