Jordan blocks Al Hudood news site

Al Hudood
(Photo: Al Hudood)
AMMAN — The Jordanian authorities have blocked Al Hudood, a satirical news network, without any clear or explicit justification. اضافة اعلان

The Arabic language website, was founded in 2013 and is often compared to the satirical American news website, The Onion, Amman Net reported.

In a statement, Al Hudood highlighted that it does not spare anyone from satire, stating that the website was previously blocked in the UAE, but ironically allowed in Syria, Amman Net reported.

Al Hudood has published over 6,000 satirical articles and cartoons, along with numerous videos and films, reaching over 40 million Arab readers, 80 percent of whom belong to the age group of 18 to 34 years. 

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