IEC announces voter lists for chambers of commerce

(File Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN— The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has published on its website the preliminary voter lists for the elections of members of the boards of directors of chambers of commerce and representatives of commercial sectors 2022, in accordance with the Chambers of Commerce Regulation No. 45 of 2009 and its amendments, and the executive instructions issued in this regard, according to Khaberni News.اضافة اعلان


The IEC pointed out that the preliminary voter lists for (16) chambers of commerce have been published, which are: Amman Chamber of Commerce, Irbid Chamber of Commerce, Zarqa Chamber of Commerce, Aqaba Chamber of Commerce, Salt Chamber of Commerce, Jerash Chamber of Commerce, Mafraq Chamber of Commerce, Karak Chamber of Commerce, and Chamber of Commerce Tafila, Madaba Chamber of Commerce, Ma'an Chamber of Commerce, Southern Mazar Chamber of Commerce, Southern Shouneh Chamber, Rusaifa Chamber of Commerce, Ramtha Chamber of Commerce, and Ajloun Chamber of Commerce.


According to Article (4/a) of the executive instructions for preparing voters’ lists and candidates’ lists to elect board of directors ‘members of chambers of commerce and representatives of commercial sectors for the year 2022, every commercial institution whose name was not included in the first lists of voters, or found an error in its data, has the right to apply via a written request to the Supervisory Committee of the Chamber of Commerce to include its name in the list, to correct the error, or it can object to the registration of others in those lists as per a form prepared by the IEC for this purpose, provided that it submits supporting papers, documents, and data to prove the objection’s validity, and within three days starting from Friday, October 28, 2022 until Sunday, October 30, 2022.

The Board of Commissioners of the IEC had set Saturday, 3/12/2022, as the date for voting for the 2022 elections for members of the boards of directors of chambers of commerce and representatives of the commercial sectors.

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