EU envoy highlights ‘strong partnership’ with Jordan

PR Orange
(Photos: Rotary club)
AMMAN — EU Ambassador to Jordan Maria Hadjitheodosiou, who is now serving in her fourth year, said that the EU and Jordan enjoy a “strong partnership”, reinforced via the new EU-Jordan Partnership Priorities, adopted in June 2022.اضافة اعلان

The ambassador also highlighted the joint ambition to further strengthen cooperation between the two partners, according to a press statement.

Speaking during a meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club and the Rotary Club of Amman last Wednesday, Hadjitheodosiou said that the EU, which recently celebrated its 43rd anniversary in Jordan, is one of the Kingdom’s largest financial supporters.

The EU is “very active” in helping Jordan overcome many challenges, including water scarcity, as well as supporting the Kingdom in its political and economic modernization process, she said.

Concerning the Palestinian issue, Hadjitheodosiou stressed the EU’s commitment to the two-state solution, as well as its support of the Palestinian people and the peace process, including through direct financial contributions to UNRWA.

A statement by the club said that the ambassador “spoke eloquently about the vital EU support to Jordan in many sectors, including strengthening good governance, the rule of law, education, water management, and political and social reforms, as well as future planning for the development of the country”.

Furthermore, according to the statement, Hadjitheodosiou explained the process of reaching a united position within the EU, which is time-consuming since it involves the approval of all 27 member states, allows for strong EU policies and actions through consensus.

The meeting saw a large turnout and concluded with a Q&A session.

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