Blinken calls for humanitarian pause in Gaza, but no ceasefire

(Photo: Twitter/X)
AMMAN – At a conference in the Jordanian capital, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, renewed calls for a humanitarian pause and said Israel must take every possible measure to protect Palestinian civilians. اضافة اعلان

Following discussions with the foreign ministers of several Arab nations including, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Blinken affirmed the U.S’ pivotal role in ending the conflict. 

Blinken continuously expressed Israel's right to defend itself and said Hamas operated tunnels under civilian infrastructure although gave no evidence of this. However, he said how Israel defended itself mattered and said International Law must prevail. 

He also expressed concern over the situation in the West Bank and said Israeli settlers cannot continue to dehumanize Palestinians there. 

Blinken also said almost 100 trucks a day were entering the Gaza strip but admitted a lot more was needed. 

Blinken said Jordan and Egypt were partners of the US in working for peace in the region, facilitating more aid to Gaza and ensuring the war did not escalate.

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