5G not a luxury, but a necessity — experts

5G services support a variety of modern and advanced applications that require fast and competitive technology. (Photo: Envato.Elements)
AMMAN — As Jordan gears up to introduce the fifth generation of cellular network (5G) technology and seeks to become a frontrunner in bringing advanced services to the market, Jordan News asked a number of telecommunication experts to comment on the advent of this advanced technology.  اضافة اعلان
Former minister of Information and Communications Technology Marwan Jumaa said: “Telecommunications no longer holds the old concept today. 5G service is linked to all aspects of life. In addition, it is a requirement for every investor, as all neighboring countries have started to use this service. It is not a case of luxury, but rather a key requirement that should have started two years ago.”

Communications expert, Muhammad Khawaja said: “5G is essential in supporting the telecom infrastructure due to its added value, and opportunities it creates for qualitative services. It is a real enabler of such specialized services as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, which have not been made available in Jordan due to the high connectivity speed they require.”

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) is currently working actively with all concerned parties to provide the necessary frequencies for 5G services securely, according to TRC’s chairman, Bassam Al-Sarhan.

Sarhan said that the launch of 5G service is urgently needed and is fundamental for digital transformation and technological development. “We at the TRC are currently looking at various options for introducing 5G service based on a comprehensive study and review of best global experiences and practices, in addition to engaging with partners and operators on such issues as logistics and frequencies.”

Sarhan indicated that 5G services support a variety of modern and advanced applications that require fast and competitive technology, and benefit economic growth, in addition to contributing to the GDP and creating job opportunities.

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