German Jordanian Alquraan youngest candidate in German elections

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AMMAN — The candidacy of German-born Anas Alquraan, who had recently turned 18, was accepted for the German parliamentary elections on Friday according to a report in Al Ghad News.اضافة اعلان

Alquraan is the youngest candidate in the elections, and if his party, the Greens, win by 20 percent, he will become the youngest MP in the history of the German parliament.

The German-born Alquraan, hails from the region of Al Taybeh, in the north of Jordan. He stood for and succeeded in reaching the German Youth Parliament. He joined the Green Party and through his political performance convinced the party in the city of Düsseldorf to be their candidate for the general parliamentary elections.

Alquraan’s priorities in the electoral and political process are focused on better political representation for the younger generation as well as human rights issues. He wants the German Parliament to be an inclusive chamber in democratic practice for diverse people and to reflect the diversity of German society.

He wants to represent voices that haven’t yet been heard, and groups who he believes didn’t get the opportunity they should have to speak their minds. Alquraan also focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and cultural implications that followed, and on ways to fix them.

Alquraan advised young Jordanians that the means for positive change are in their hands, that they must take the initiative to help themselves and Jordan create a better future.

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