Armed men seize an "Israeli" oil tanker in the Red Sea

oil tanker
(Photo: Twitter/X)
AMMAN – According to Reuters, an unnamed American official stated that unidentified armed individuals seized an oil tanker associated with Israel, "Central Park," in the Gulf of Aden today, Sunday.اضافة اعلان

The agency quoted the official as saying that US forces and coalition forces are nearby and monitoring the situation.

The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that the Embrey Maritime Security Company confirms the kidnapping of the oil tanker "Central Park" owned by Israelis off the coast of Yemen.

Zodiac Company, owner of the hijacked ship announced the appointment of a crisis management team at its headquarters in London.

The company says that the crew of its kidnapped ship off the coast of Yemen consists of 22 people.

It is worth noting that the Houthi group in Yemen had seized on November 19 the ship of an Israeli businessman in the Red Sea.

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