19 Israeli guards under investigation for Palestinian prisoner death

Israeli occupation prison
(File photo: Jordan News)
TEL AVIV — 19 Israeli prison guards are under investigation on suspicion of involvement in the death of a Palestinian prisoner at Ketziot Prison in southern Israel last month, as reported by Haaretz.اضافة اعلان

Despite signs of severe violence found on the body of the prisoner, Tair Abu Asab, the autopsy could not determine whether the death resulted directly from beatings. The guards involved in the incident wore helmets, and the difficulty in identifying the individuals in the security footage from the prison cameras has led to a high number of suspects.

According to a security source, although the prisoner passed away a month ago, the allegations against the guards were only recently brought forward for examination.

The suspects are accused of causing injury, severe harm under aggravated circumstances, and obstruction of the investigation, which involves senior figures in law enforcement. These suspects served in the Ketziot Unit of the Prison Service, tasked with controlling disturbances within the prisons.

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