Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You and a loved one may not share similar objectives today, so this is a poor time to make joint decisions. You might be tempted to defend territory that is not yours to defend. Don’t engage in workplace battles.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Remember the saying about a fool and their money. Keep the purse strings tied tightly and don’t give into to spending whims. Pass quality time with good friends and family with sports or outdoor exercise.

GEMINI: You may find it difficult to distinguish the truth from fiction. If you are single, you should be cautious of a passing infatuation. It is possible to get confused or lost if you follow a path without clarity or careful observation.

CANCER: Don’t overreach by putting a purchase on a credit card or taking on additional debts you cannot afford. If you attempt to widen your personal sphere of influence right now, you could run into serious opposition.

LEO: You can’t always be the star or the center of attention. Be sensitive to perceived slights and remain positive. Don’t be a loner; work side by side or spend time enjoying sporting activities or getting fit with loved ones.

VIRGO: Remain sociable without being too trusting. It is wise to be skeptical of over-the-top praise and compliments. Someone may be friendly but could harbor an underlying agenda. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

LIBRA: The less said the better. Someone might be indiscreet or give the wrong impression. You tend to be accommodating and can be the soul of generosity. The rest of the world unfortunately may not be in such an optimistic mood.

SCORPIO: When love is on the menu, be sure it is made with genuine ingredients instead of something sketchy. You might receive an invitation from an admirer but only time will tell if a casual flirtation could blossom into something more.

SAGITTARIUS: Don’t take it personally. If you are out of step with a special someone, your feelings may seem to be ignored. Remain skeptical of ersatz offers that come your way; remind yourself there is no free lunch.

CAPRICORN: What you don’t know can hurt you. This isn’t a good time to gather feedback because other people may hide real feelings behind a façade of good will. You may see all sides of a problem but it could be the wrong problem.

AQUARIUS: Sit this one out. What looks like a good deal or a worthwhile project may not seem quite as attractive when you give it closer scrutiny, You are likely to have a change of heart about something later.

PISCES: Beware of building emotional backlash. Hidden discontent may lurk behind someone’s kindhearted remarks. You will get the best results by remaining levelheaded and waiting for better timing to process and respond.

IF SEPT. 14 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the next five to six weeks, you might “put your money where your mouth is” and be more idealistic about the policies and businesses you support. You can put imaginative ideas to work in moneymaking projects. Your social calendar could be packed in late October and early November when you may welcome new friends and contacts into your tribe. Your business sense is enhanced in the second half of November, making it an ideal time to focus on a wise assessment of your financial status. You may become frustrated and dissatisfied if you initiate a new project or make major purchases in December when additional obligations can weigh you down. Your judgment is at its worst so avoid signing contracts or becoming entangled in a new romantic relationship. Wait until February when your judgment is better to make key changes.

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