Today's Horoscopes

(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You may have an opportunity to learn what is really going on behind the curtain. In the week to come, you might even feel that life is a game show, and you are a contestant. Don’t become involved in power plays.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Wear a smile and get out to meet and greet. Your social life could expand in the week ahead, giving you a chance to be at your best. Jealousy can occur if someone close thinks you are having too much fun without them.

GEMINI: Everything you need to make your dreams a reality may be right at your fingertips. In the next week, you can make inroads in establishing your financial security. Do not be greedy or take drastic steps to make more money.

CANCER: Take care of your own garden before you check out any seemingly greener grass on the other side of the fence. You may be motivated to succeed in the upcoming week but could run into opposition if you are unfair.

LEO: No mud, no lotus. In the week ahead, you should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty to get an important job done. You might feel like you are struggling to adhere to demanding business policies.

VIRGO: The tactics and strategies you use to reach your goals might need a reappraisal as the week unfolds. Cherish your personal tribe but be aware that not every workplace colleague may be equally on your side.

LIBRA: Count your blessings and send them outward if you find it difficult to settle down to sleep. Hold off on key decisions about major investments. Family members could be somewhat difficult to cope with in the upcoming week.

SCORPIO: Hard work can be incredibly satisfying, and in the week ahead, your schedule could be fuller than usual. Handle family obligations by prioritizing the essentials and you will get everything completed in a timely manner.

SAGITTARIUS: Deal with financial necessities without making drastic changes in the upcoming week. You may feel pressured to make a decision that could break the bank. Focus on making your home a safe and cozy nest.

CAPRICORN: Applying a “my way or the highway” policy can cause some stress in the week ahead. Offering alternatives, however, might solve a problem by clearing the air. Put new business ventures on the back burner.

AQUARIUS: Some people bring blessings into your life and others come in to teach you lessons. You could learn a great deal from social contacts this week. Look for the best value rather than concentrating solely on price.

PISCES: You can grasp the big picture. Your heightened idealism lets you rise above petty squabbles in the week to come. There may be plenty of opportunities to use your imagination and work enthusiastically on creative projects.

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