Today's Horoscopes

Horoscopes Horoscope
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Your finances may be in the right place to give your special someone some extra affection or purchase an extravagant gift. Do things ethically and you can see rewards that could be shared with loved ones without guilt.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Forgiveness may sometimes require a certain amount of forgetting. You could want the very best or an extra helping of everything. Your closest companions or loved ones might enjoy sharing in your enthusiasm.

A loved one may be happy to grant a favor or help you out with no strings attached. Now could be a good time to strike a compromise or obtain someone’s cooperation. You do not need to be perfect at all times.

CANCER: Your sympathetic or generous nature may be called upon. Life is good when you are happy, but life can be even better if you make someone else happy as well. Show people your understanding and thoughtfulness.

LEO: Awkward moments might be a thing of the past. You can intuitively say or do the right thing when meeting with friends or associates. Deep inside you may yearn for permanence and may no longer be satisfied by fleeting pleasure.

VIRGO: If you are asked to discuss serious subjects it can be best to focus on showing off your logical thinking skills. You could show off your inventiveness or original ideas when the work has ended, and it is time for fun.

LIBRA: It could be to your advantage to avoid challenging the evasiveness of someone who might be hiding something from you. Whatever is hidden may not be anything crucial. It can be wise to let the subject rest for now.

SCORPIO: You could have the chance to show off one of your most flattering outfits or turn heads with a flashy new purchase. Be sure to show your gratitude and appreciation if someone offers you their assistance.

SAGITTARIUS: You may find that with some people even half a planet does not seem far enough away. Try to honor all your obligations and make the appearances at family gatherings but ask for distance if you need to.

CAPRICORN: It could be more important to remain agreeable and cooperate than to prove you are right. Find a way to be more lenient about rules or relax your standards when you can. You might find an obvious reason to be kindhearted.

AQUARIUS: It could be time for you to face reality and keep in mind that things you might have wanted or people you admire may not be everything that they appear to be. Your inner desires can begin to feel too real.

PISCES: No one is perfect. You can live up to your high ideals, but toss your penchant for perfection aside. You could be respected for presenting your opinions if you show a sensitivity for the views of others.

IF SEPTEMBER 29 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: For the next two to three weeks, you might be bombarded by invitations or preoccupied by thoughts of a romantic partner. Your creative ideas have merit so jot down your ideas. Your social network could be expanding, making this an excellent time to take a dream vacation. November should provide plenty of opportunities to make new connections since you are cheerful, and you might expect things to go well. In December you might enjoy the benefits of stress-free living and a higher standard of living by putting on your thinking cap and making profitable financial decisions. Consider embracing any offers or opportunities that could come your way as they may lead to long-term prosperity. January may also offer you opportunities to improve your circumstances and secure your future. You may have all the support and advice you need to make wise and beneficial choices.

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