Today's Horoscopes

Horoscopes Horoscope
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: The days of resisting authoritarian commands to get things done are over, it’s up to you to build the skills needed to make the things you want to happen, happen. When you are passionate, it can feel less like work and more like play.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Now may be the time to take a step back and watch things unfold. You should find plenty of good cheer and affection within your inner circle of loved ones and should not need to worry about what could be going on outside.

GEMINI: Honor any invitations and try to be on time for functions or outings even if you might prefer to spend time alone. It can be helpful to attend gatherings with friends. You may learn something useful.

CANCER: Not all that glitters ends up being gold. Tread cautiously where money is concerned and try to remain within your budget. It may be best to hold off on major decisions or expenditures until all loose ends are tied up.

LEO: While you complain about being in a lane that does not feel like it is moving, many others could be grumbling about their own waits. It may all be a manner of perspective. Nothing may speed up until you move.

If you make a mistake, try not to make excuses or minimize what happened. When you own your piece, make amends, and learn, a mistake is transformed into something wonderful. You give away power when you blame others.

LIBRA: In your youth a broken promise may have been the most heartbreaking thing in the world. Keep that feeling in mind and try your best to avoid breaking promises to others. Accountability is a great path to self-esteem.

If something goes wrong, you may still have time to make it right. Don’t forget to pay bills, make that important call or attend a meeting by becoming too wrapped up in a friend’s requests or with community events.

Try not to be provoked into an argument or allow yourself to engage in confrontation. Accepting an offer on the table may be risky or set off a domino effect of disputes. Focus on fun-filled creative activities.

CAPRICORN: People may not care if you say you are sorry. What is necessary to fix what you might have broken, whether it is a window, a promise or a heart, is sincere effort. Work with the person you hurt to make things right if you can.

AQUARIUS: Do your best to be pragmatic and avoid making impulsive decisions. You could be tempted to make a major change or start something new but now may not be the best time. It is always best to wait for excellent timing.

PISCES: Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result. Bravery is trying something new to reach the same goal. Instead of going in circles it may be best to look outside and find a different perspective.

IF SEPTEMBER 23 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Because you could be easily swayed by imaginative stories you may need to fight against negativity and avoid reading the scandal sheets during the upcoming three to four weeks. By November your demonstrations of moral fiber and strength of character could earn some respect and put you in a leadership position. As November unfolds your intelligence  and negotiation skills may improve, making this possibly a good time to reevaluate your investments and business policies. You may also be filled with inspiration and more romantic than usual. Your social calendar could be filled to brim with meetings and gatherings in December. Increased material ambitions and a desire to learn the secrets of the universe could potentially put you in a good position to be successful with whatever project you launch in January, since you could succeed through persistence.

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