Water Ministry, USAID sign $22m deal for SCADA system development

Water Ministry , USAID sign $22m deal for SCADA system development
(Photo: Ministry of Water and Irrigation)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) signed an agreement on Tuesday to upgrade supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, with a combined funding of $22 million.اضافة اعلان

The four-year agreement is part of the Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement projects pack, with $20 million provided by USAID and a $2 million contribution from the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

The deal was signed by WAJ Acting Secretary-General Rami Abu Rawaq and USAID's Water and Environment Office Director Andrew McKim.

About SCADA systemsDuring the ceremony, Water Minister Mohammed Al-Najjar explained that the SCADA systems consist of software and hardware that allow organizations to control local and remote processes and monitor, gather, and process real-time data.

Upgrading these systems, he said, will increase coordinated efforts between various water sector institutions to tackle water challenges, and help prepare policies and models for data and information governance.

Najjar thanked USAID for its continuous support, stressing that the effective partnership between the two parties continues to improve water supply performance, protect limited resources, provide technical support, advance network infrastructure, and reduce water loss.

Monitoring and control Abu Rawaq noted that the agreement includes a review of the ministry's strategic plan to enhance the capabilities of the water sector and finalize the automation of monitoring and control processes to boost the efficient use of scarce water resources in the Kingdom.

The agreement also involves the activation of the central water loss control unit and control centers at water authorities and companies, and the upgrading of the ministry's computer center to accommodate additional databases.

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