Gov’t launches National Water Strategy 2023–2040

Strategy outlines roadmap for attaining water security in Jordan

Ministry of Water and Irrigation
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Water and Irrigation on Thursday launched the 2023–2040 National Water Strategy to serve as a long-term roadmap for achieving water security in Jordan, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

USAID Mission Director Sherry F. Carlin, German Deputy Ambassador to Jordan Florian Reindel, a number of foreign ambassadors to Amman, representatives of finance institutions and donors, as well as water sector officials and stakeholders, attended the launch ceremony.

Deputizing for the prime minister, Minister of Water and Irrigation Muhammad Al-Najjar explained that the strategy outlines the government's goals and plans for the water sector in order to achieve water security in accordance with His Majesty King Abdullah's instructions and vision for developing a long-term strategy to address issues like water scarcity, population growth, and climate change.

The strategy, the minister added, emphasizes Jordan's need for new water supply sources and optimal management of the country's current resources, as well as water security and sustainable development.

Sources of waterJordan is in dire need of non-conventional sources of water to boost sustainability and the national supply, according to Najjar. The new National Water Carrier project and a substantial rise in the practice of wastewater treatment for reuse in agriculture are essential components of these efforts.
Jordan is in dire need of non-conventional sources of water to boost sustainability and the national supply
The minister noted that the use of nonconventional water sources has the potential to decrease a rising water deficit, improve potable water supplies, and provide water for industrial, agricultural, and tourism projects.

The minister also emphasized the need to build an effective management system, tackle climate change, and minimize groundwater depletion in order to refill groundwater reservoirs and create prudent water sector governance.

Reducing water lossThe national water strategy also aims to reduce water losses by speeding up system modernization and network replacement, and the search for sustainable water sources, the minister said.

By accelerating the response to network leaks and switching to natural flow pumping, which will reduce energy and maintenance costs while extending network lifetime, the recently updated water loss reduction strategy aims to decrease losses by 2 percent annually to reach the 25-percent target by 2040, he said.
The recently updated water loss reduction strategy aims to decrease losses by 2 percent annually to reach the 25-percent target by 2040
The strategy calls for the installation of modern smart meters and control systems so that the public can monitor their water consumption to rationalize use, providers can enhance service delivery, and the authorities can firmly prevent unlawful usage.

The strategy's goal is to improve water sector governance, management, and operation via institutional reforms that streamline processes, save costs, and clarify roles and responsibilities, he said.

Sector reformsAccording to Najjar, efforts are currently underway to enhance usage efficiency, raise revenues, and recover costs across all utilities in the water sector in order to bring down the sector's soaring deficit and boost service quality.

These reforms will improve water institutions' financial standing, making it possible for them to fulfill their commitments in line with the highest international standards and carry out the required plans and programs, he added.

Strategy overviewIntegrated management of water resources, sustainable water security, and the safeguarding and maintaining of ground and surface water resources are the strategy’s key pillars.

In terms of technical steps, the government aims to improve financial performance and sustainability, create a data system that aids in decision making, and invest in innovation and technology.

Other goals of the strategy include strengthening the water infrastructure, increasing the use of alternative water sources, and broadening the scope of partnerships with public and private organizations.
Integrated management of water resources, sustainable water security, and the safeguarding and maintaining of ground and surface water resources are the strategy’s key pillars.
The USAID Mission Director underlined the importance of the strategy and the US agency’s continued partnership with the water sector to enhance resource management.

The German deputy ambassador described the strategy as a "comprehensive document", highlighting the need for donors to coordinate efforts to limit water challenges and boost investment.

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