Preparation in teaching essential to improve education system — minister

ministry of education
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Preparing teachers prior to them starting their career is of utmost importance to arrive at a distinguished and effective educational system, said Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Azmi Mahafzah.اضافة اعلان

This came while he was addressing a symposium organized Saturday by the Amman Group for Future Dialogues on enhancing the status and role of Jordanian teachers in line with international best practices for selecting, preparing and training teachers.

Mahafzah said Jordanian universities have a key role in this process through devising teacher training and rehabilitation programs, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

Special programsUniversities also needed to develop special programs to prepare teachers and introduce study plans, programs and qualified teaching staff for this purpose, he said, noting the experience of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy.

Mahafzah said the ministry aspires to appoint teachers after qualifying and engaging them in training programs and amending relevant legislation, adding that it is in cooperation with four local universities for this goal.

Amended teacher ranking systemThe ministry, he added, has also amended the teacher ranking system, including qualification and preparation and improving their economic condition, stressing the importance of continuous professional development of teachers based on multiple activities and updating curricula to keep pace with global advancement.

The head of the Amman Group for Future Dialogues Bilal Al-Tal pointed to an initiative by the group that focused on strengthening the status of the teacher as part of an integrated strategy to revamp the national education system.

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