MENA Digital Safety Conference tackles tech developments

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AMMAN — SecDev Foundation, a Canadian-based think tank, in cooperation with Information and Research Center  King Hussein Foundation, on Wednesday organized the regional conference for Middle East and North Africa Digital Safety Campaign “Salamat”, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Addressing the event, Minister of State for Legal Affairs and Head of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Empowerment of Women Wafaa Bani Mustafa, said that despite the great development made by tech revolution and digital development, adverse practices emerged that led to multiple societal problems.

She added that the virtual world makes most people vulnerable to cybercrime and privacy-related violations, a situation that requires taking precautionary measures to protect future generations from dangerous social phenomena.

Noting Jordan’s efforts to combat cybercrime, she said the Public Security Directorate started its efforts in this regard in 2008; it then launched the Anti-Cybercrime Unit in 2015. The Kingdom also issued Cybercrime Law No. 27 in 2015 to punish and address incidents of cybercrime, she said.

Stressing the importance of addressing digital violence, which includes bullying, extortion, and hacking, she said government data shows that nearly 75 percent of women have been subjected to some form of violence online.

Bani Mustafa made a number of recommendations, most notably developing and activating legislation to reduce cybercrime, training women to protect personal accounts, and enhance digital safety, and raising awareness about the importance of reporting any extortion attempts.

The minister also recommended intensifying media education and combating rumors by strengthening legal means to adequately access information and facts, urging concerted efforts by officials, civil society institutions, and various media outlets.

The minister also called for exerting more awareness-raising efforts and propagating legal culture concerning digital protection, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

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