Local engineering students win 8th place for eco-friendly concrete mix

(Photo: From Yarmouk University website)
AMMAN — A team from the civil engineering department at Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology at Yarmouk University, won eighth place in the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI) 2021 Eco Concrete Competition, for designing an eco-friendly concrete mix, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The contest was conducted via teleconferencing, and its aim was to design an environmentally friendly concrete mix, in light of a global trend to use and produce such products.

The Hijjawi Faculty team qualified to the final stage alongside a number of eminent international universities in the civil engineering field. The final evaluation was by a judging commission which included a group of professors and specialists from different American universities. 

Participating in the competition were 30 teams from various international universities, 13 teams of which qualified for the finals.

Faris Matalqa, the team’s supervisor, said the team designed a number of eco-friendly concrete mixes using coal ash, silica dust, and iron industry remnants. They also wrote a report that showcased the environmental effect, expense, and life span of their concrete mix by using computerized simulation programs, as well as making a video to show the results analysis mechanism and the environmental effect.

This contest was an opportunity for the students to involve themselves in scientific research related to eco-friendly concrete, and modern programs and tools to deal with future challenges in civil engineering, Matalqa said.
The dean of the faculty Muaffaq Alotoum, lauded the team’s effort, stressing the importance of participating in such international contests to learn new skills to enter the local job market with efficiency.

The American Concrete Institute is an independent US-based institute that deals with construction codes and research related to concrete.

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