Jordan witnesses meteor showers tonight

(File Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN—  The Jordanian Astronomical Society organizes tonight a monitoring camp in the Azraq region, to watch the Leonids meteor showers, which are active at such a time, in addition to monitoring the planets, their moons, constellations and satellites, and learning about early day standards and measuring the degree of darkness, according to Al-Mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان


The camp aims to get observers and amateur astronomers to know the twilight of all kinds, astronomical, nautical, and civil, observing the sunrise and comparing that with the astronomical calculations conducted by the society periodically, as well as monitoring the moon, photographing its craters, and training in some astronomical skills.


Meteors appear in this pleasant astronomical state when some of the remnants of comets and scattered meteors pass through and enter the atmosphere, interact with its components, and burn at altitudes of 70 to 100 km, resulting in meteors.


The President of the Jordanian Astronomical Society, Dr. Ammar Al-Sakji, said that the Leonids meteor showers which are active this year for the days from November 6 to 30, with their peak on November 18, pointing out that they can be seen in most regions of the Kingdom, especially rural and desert areas.


He added that the showers will appear above the horizon in the constellation Leo, especially over the star binary Al-Assad Front (Algieba), as a clear sign in the sky, indicating that the radiation point of the Leo meteor showers rises at 11:50 midnight in Jordan at an angle of 63 degrees towards the northeast.


The best time to watch these showers is between 1-2 a.m., at an azimuth angle of 75 degrees towards the northeast, and an elevation angle above the horizon from 11 to 60 degrees, and it is possible to look above the radiation point to watch meteors, indicating that watching the showers begins to decline after that because the moon rises at 2:13 a.m. tonight.


He says: "The Jordanian Astronomical Society has a long history of monitoring meteor storms and showers, and it monitors and documents them through the permanent camp of the association in the Azraq region, which is one of the oldest astronomical camps in the Arab region. In November 1999, the International Meteor Organization announced Jordan is the best place in the world for observing the Leonids meteors.

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