Jordan’s skies to illuminate with ‘Harvest Moon’

wide closeup shot full moon black background
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Friday evening, Jordan's skies are set to showcase an astronomical event known as the "Harvest Moon." This phenomenon occurs as the moon rises from the northeast while the sun sets, continuing until it sets in the western horizon shortly after sunrise. The “Harvest Moon” is also expected to be the last supermoon of the year.اضافة اعلان

Astronomy expert Imad Mujahid, explained that the Harvest Moon phenomenon takes place when the moon is either full or nearly full, close to the autumnal equinox, which occurs on September 21 every year. During this time, the moon appears high in the northern sky, shining brighter than it does in other months, and it rises earlier compared to other times of the year, Saraya News reported.

On average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later than the previous night. However, during the Harvest Moon, it rises approximately 30 to 35 minutes later than the previous night in equatorial regions and also rises shortly before sunset.

For decades, European farmers have harnessed this astronomical event and the moon's unique brightness to work at night under its illumination. They would plow the land, sow seeds, and prepare for the upcoming season while eagerly awaiting rainfall. This is why astronomers have given the moon the name "Harvest Moon" for this particular night.

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