Foreign Ministry condemns Israel's attempts to evacuate 'Cows' Garden' in Jerusalem

Foreign Ministry condemns Israel's attempts to evacuate 'Cows' Garden' in Jerusalem
AMMAN - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned attempts of the Israeli occupation police to evacuate "Garden of the Cows," which is considered part of the property of the Armenian Patriarchate in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.اضافة اعلان

The ministry said these attempts are invalid and unacceptable measures according to international law and violate the existing historical and legal status quo in occupied Jerusalem.

In a statement on Thursday, the ministry’s official spokesperson, Dr. Sufyan Qudah, said the provocative measures against Christians of the occupied Jerusalem and attacks on Christian clergy are a "flagrant and unacceptable" violation of international law and existing historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its sanctities.

Qudah called on the international community to assume its responsibilities and stop the ongoing Israeli violations of international law.

Qudah stressed that the Armenian Quarter is an integral part of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls and is a site registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981 at the request of Jordan.

In 1982, he noted the quarter was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger due to Israel’s violations and illegal actions in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Qudah affirmed that all Israeli measures aimed at changing character and legal status of the Holy City are null and void and constitute a clear violation of the relevant international conventions and resolutions.

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