Contaminated water found in Jerash, Ajloun

2 contamination-Amir Khalifah
The Ministry of Health said that three sources of contaminated water have been identified in the village of Jubbah in Jerash Governorate on Monday, after dozens of infections were reported in the town earlier in the week. (Photo: Amir Khalifa/Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Health said that three sources of contaminated water have been identified in the village of Jubbah in Jerash Governorate.اضافة اعلان

These sources were found through water tests conducted by the Environmental Health Directorate at the ministry, according to Al-Ghad News.
Last week, several cases of suspected food or water poisoning were reported in the same area. Several people were hospitalized and were found to be infected with the highly contagious Shigella bacteria, which might have come from contaminated water.

The water samples were obtained from various water sources close to the village of Jubbah, including from the Zarqa river, from a private swimming pool in the area, and from the water tanks of a local school.

In a statement Monday, the ministry said that it had closed the contaminated sources and that it would continue to take samples from potential sources of contamination in the governorate and conduct the necessary tests to determine if they were infected.

These plans will be held in cooperation with the ministry›s strategic partners in this field.

The statement also indicated that the preliminary examinations conducted on the water samples taken from the town of Khirbet Al-Wahadina in Ajloun found contamination in some of the private water desalination plants, which have already been shut down as a precautionary measure.

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