Cabinet advances social development and business regulatory reforms

Cabinet reviews progress in Jordan's digital transformation programs PETRA
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The Council of Ministers on Wednesday sanctioned the draft Social Development Law of 2023, propelling it towards the House of Representatives to undergo constitutional ratification processes.اضافة اعلان

According to the Jordan news agency, Petra, the legislative blueprint, framed to fortify the Ministry of Social Development’s capability in delivering equitable social protection and care, is set to identify and bolster underprivileged demographics, advancing their productive capacity in alignment with the nation's strategic directives.

Encompassed within the draft's purview are robust regulations concerning the licensing and oversight of social care entities, encompassing institutions, centers, and shelters, as well as the formalization of social work practices and associated educational programs.

A salient feature of the draft is the meticulous governance of charitable donation collections, establishing explicit conditions and methodologies for the formation of a dedicated fund for social protection and care under the ministry’s auspices.

In a concurrent move, the Council effected a repeal of the Venture Capital Companies Bylaw of 2023, amending the extant Companies Bylaw and the subsidiary legislation governing corporate liquidations. These revisions seek to obliterate redundant provisions, streamline corporate registration fees, and simplify the liquidation process as enshrined in the law.

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